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(02) 9743 4001

It Starts With a Smile.

Dental Health Week is here!

Dental Health Week starts on the 4th – 10th of August this year.

One week is scheduled every year to help raise awareness and highlight the importance of dental health.

The topic for this year’s focus is: “Who is your family’s sugar bandit?”’

Spearheaded by the Australian Dental Association (ADA), the campaign is aimed at Australian parents and children to start identifying who is hiding the sugar in their household.

“Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease for children, even though it is entirely preventable”(ADA).

The number one cause of tooth decay is regular consumption of sugary foods and drinks. The key to combating this is simple!

This can be achieved by simply minimising the intake of these sugary substances and educating parents and children on the harmful effects of sugar in their diet.

A common sugar exchange amongst parents and their children occurs when parents reward good behaviour. Too often, a ‘treat’ is given to a child, usually in the form of a high sugary food or drink.

We are encouraging patients to use alternative methods for rewards that can instil better habits in their children – such as, giving them sugar-free chewing gum, or a trip to the park. The system of rewarding or bribing children with unhealthy foods can send them the wrong message and encourage poor eating habits.

If you are interested in reading more about Dental Health Week, the ADA has a website dedicated to DHW 2014 for babies and toddlers (www.dentalhealthweek.com.au)

At your next appointment at Concord Dental Practice, feel free to ask any of our friendly staff on our recommended dietary alternatives for children or give us a call on 9743 4001.

