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(02) 9743 4001

It Starts With a Smile.

Good Oral Hygiene Habits for Your Kids

A common problem faced by most parents is that although they are aware that their children need to clean their teeth, they feel that they are not sure about how to do it ‘properly’.
Keeping your child’s teeth clean is one of the most important aspects of good oral health. It is a behaviour that should be encouraged whilst your children are young and carried on throughout their entire life.

Baby Teeth

Just because baby teeth fall out and are replaced with permanent teeth, it does not mean that they are not important. They actually play a big role in the development of permanent teeth. Decay in baby teeth can cause problems such as early tooth loss, pain, loss of confidence and can affect developing permanent teeth. Premature loss of a tooth can also cause teeth crowding for your child in the future.


Up until the age six, parents are encouraged to help brush their child’s teeth, as children do not necessarily have the manual dexterity and coordination to do it properly themselves. After the age of six, children should have already been introduced to the right way to brush and floss however, they will still require supervision. Just telling kids to brush their teeth often doesn’t mean that teeth actually get brushed! Many children don’t like brushing so it’s good to have a few tricks to make brushing more fun and keep them interested whilst they are learning.

Visit to the Dentist

The dentist can be a very intimidating environment. Regular attendance to the dental clinic means regular exposure for your child which will encourage comfort and recognition of the dental setting, helping to reduce your child’s chances of dental fear as they grow older. Your child’s first dental visit should happen shortly after they get their first tooth or around 12 months of age.
At Concord Dental Practice, we encourage our parents to bring their children along to dental appointments. Our dentists and dental therapist are trained to ensure that the dental environment is very welcoming and always strive to bring a positive experience to your child.
