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It Starts With a Smile.

Reversing early decay - is it possible?

Dental Decay

Tooth decay is the result of bacteria in your mouth using sugars present in food to create acids that eventually dissolve and attack the outer layer of your tooth, called enamel. The process by which tooth structure is lost is called “demineralisation”.  It is important to note that tooth decay does not develop overnight.  It is the cumulative effect of several episodes of demineralisation that result in the formation of a cavity.

Tooth substance loss and demineralisation may also ocurr due to acid erosion. These acids may be present in the diet i.e. frequent consumption of soft drinks or alcohol, or originate from gastric reflux.  

Did you know - the process of remineralisation can actually reverse early tooth decay.

What is Remineralisation?

When conditions at the tooth surface are kept non-acidic, remineralisation can take place. Acidic environments are created when an individual frequently eats – more frequent amounts of food intake, means more frequent episodes where bacteria can feed off the sugars to create acid.

The minerals found naturally in your saliva can be re-incorporated into your teeth, thus reversing or at least minimising the damaging effects of demineralisation. This process may continue until the repair has been completed, so long as the oral environment is kept non-acidic.

Your dental professional at Concord Dental Practice can identify areas of your teeth at risk of decay. These areas often include the deep pits and grooves of your back molar teeth, and in between your back teeth, if flossing is not regularly performed.

For a patient with a high decay risk, we may recommend topical agents that can promote remineralisation such as tooth mousse (CCP-ACP), high fluoride containing toothpastes or non alcohol-containing fluoride mouth rinses.

What is Tooth Mousse?

Tooth mousse is a topical crème that contains CPP-ACP and fluoride. CPP-ACP is protein that stabilises and delivers calcium and phosphate into the oral environment, to restore mineral balance, neutralise acid challenges and provide extra protection for teeth. Tooth mousse is available for purchase from Concord Dental Practice.

Fluoride toothpastes can also promote and enhance remineralisation. Fluoride, when incorporated into tooth structure, makes your teeth more resistant against acid attack. Therefore, patients who are assessed to have high decay risk will benefit from the use of a high fluoride toothpaste, such as Neutrafluor 5000.

Tooth mousse Use

Tooth mousse can be applied to your upper and lower teeth nightly after brushing your teeth with a clean, dry finger. The GC tooth mousse should be left on your teeth undisturbed for a minimum of 3 minutes.  Your tongue can be used to spread the remaining GC tooth mousse throughout your mouth. The excess mousse can be spat and you should avoid rinsing, eating or drinking for about 30 minutes following application.

If you would like to learn more about remineralisation, feel free to contact your dental professional at Concord Dental practice to discuss the different modes of treatment available for you. 
