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(02) 9743 4001

It Starts With a Smile.

Straighten your smile

Your smile plays an integral role in how you feel about yourself and your appearance. Smiling can relieve stress by releasing endorphins and also makes those around you happy. In comparison, crooked and misaligned teeth can cause self image issues, and are much more difficult to clean – this puts you at greatest risk of gum disease and dental decay.

Changing your smile is now possible with the development of new techniques in tooth straightening – there is something for everyone!

Orthodontic treatment for children:

At Concord Dental Practice, we are able to detect problems in the development of the jaws and teeth early on. We are able to provide advice and management on early orthodontic interceptive treatment to potentially resolve these problems entirely – this could potentially save your child from much more complex orthodontic treatment in the future, not to mention, thousands of dollars.

Removable plate

Sometimes a removable plate is all that is required to fix a problem tooth. These can be taken out to eat and brush, however, should be worn during other times of the day.

Conventional braces

Orthodontic fixed braces can be used to correct gaps between teeth, overbites, cross bites, crooked teeth and more. The front surfaces of the teeth are fitted with brackets and a wire which slowly moves the teeth to realign them. This process can take up to 36 months depending on the severity of the crooked teeth, compliance and age. Braces can either be metal or ceramic (clear).

Invisalign or clear aligners

More adults (and children) are now seeking ways to straighten their teeth with ‘invisible braces’. This method uses aligners to move the teeth into their correct position. Although this is the most aesthetic option it requires more involvement from the person wearing them. Since they are removable, which allows for proper brushing and eating, if they are not being worn for long enough each day, they may not work as efficiently.

For more information on the best type of tooth straightening for you or your child, a scheduled consultation can be made at Concord Dental Practice with one of our dental practitioners.
