Concord Dental Practice encourages good oral...
Research has found that the state of a mother's oral health can have an influence on the future oral health of her child. Maintaining good oral health during pregnancy might be the last thing on...
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013
Claim your dental expenses as a tax...
Did you know that if you have more than $2060 net dental expenses (your total dental expenses minus private health rebates) at Concord Dental Practice within one tax year, you can claim a tax...
Wednesday, May 1st, 2013
ZOOM whitening at Concord Dental Practice
We have in-chair ZOOM whitening and take home whitening kits available. We recommend a take home kit after in-chair whitening so that you can top up the whitening result as you need to. If you...
Tuesday, March 19th, 2013
Mouthguards at Concord Dental Practice
Wear a mouthguard at play, to keep the injuries away. At Concord Dental Practice, we stress the importance of wearing a sports mouthguard when playing sports where the face, jaws and teeth can be...
Friday, January 25th, 2013
Links between oral health and general health
Oral Health and general health are related in four major ways: Poor oral health is significantly associated with major chronic diseases Poor oral health causes disability Oral health issues and major...
Thursday, January 24th, 2013