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(02) 9743 4001

It Starts With a Smile.

Always wanted a brighter smile? – Tooth Whitening

“Natural" Tooth Whitening

In recent months, various social media sites and celebrities have begun trends on ‘natural’ methods of tooth whitening which include the use of coconut oil and activated charcoal. Although these methods are becoming more popular, based on the lack of evidence, these practices are not recommended as part of the oral hygiene regime at home and especially not as a replacement to brushing twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste (American Dental Association, 2014).

Studies have even shown that using a chlorhexidine mouth rinse such as Savacol/ Rivacol compared to oil pulling is much more effective in reducing damaging bacterial levels in your saliva (Asokan et al, 2008). The Australian Dental Association has not approved either of these methods for use as official tooth whitening techniques.

The only ‘natural’ way to keep your teeth white and clean is to brush consistently with fluoridated toothpaste, and reduce the foods and drinks which leave stain on the teeth including tea, coffee and wine.

Approved Tooth Whitening Techniques

At Concord Dental Practice, we offer 3 different methods of tooth whitening:

1.     A comprehensive dental examination to determine the causes of discolouration of your teeth. This may be due to decay, mottling, antibiotic use or external causes such as coffee consumption and smoking. After a diagnosis of the current state of your teeth, we will be able to offer a treatment plan to bring the teeth to a healthy standard, in conjunction with a clean and polish from the dental hygienist.

2.     ZOOM4 in-chair whitening can be offered to patients who want results fast! This can be completed in a single 90minute visit. It is important to note that any existing fillings or crowns you have will generally not change colour and may need replacement as they will not match the new shade of your teeth.

3.     Pola-day/night take home whitening kits are available for those who would like their teeth whitened at their own pace and can also be re-used over time with the purchase of more whitening gel. This technique is a great alternative to Zoom4 particularly for those who experience sensitive teeth.

Tooth whitening is a simple and easy procedure. The staff at Concord Dental Practice can assist in answering any questions you may have and help you to achieve a brighter and whiter smile!
