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(02) 9743 4001

It Starts With a Smile.

Is flossing your teeth a waste of time - does it do more HARM than good?

Another interesting article we came across in the last few weeks:


Concord Dental Practice does not agree with the advice given by this article. Flossing does not damage your teeth and gums if performed correctly. We recommend flossing daily to remove any plaque and bacteria from in between the teeth. As mentioned in this article, whilst using a mouth rinse is beneficial in reducing the microbial load in the mouth, it does not remove plaque build in between teeth. Flossing is the single most effective method that, if performed correctly will physically remove all plaque and bacteria build up in between the teeth, thereby keeping the teeth and gums healthy.

During your hygiene appointments with our hygienist therapist, we like to provide you with oral hygiene instructions, so that plaque is most effectively removed when you are brushing and cleaning your teeth. Some people floss, but floss incorrectly. At Concord Dental Practice, we believe that prevention is key.

Call us now to make an appoitment to see our friendly dentist or dental hygienist - 9743 4001
