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(02) 9743 4001

It Starts With a Smile.


  • Teeth myths during pregnancy

    Pregnancy is an important time in every mother’s life.  Recent studies have shown that pregnancy causes changes in the mouth and how you look after your teeth can affect your baby’s health as well as...

  • Is my baby teething?

    What is teething? Baby teeth grow underneath the gums. Teething occurs when these teeth are beginning to move and push their way up through the gums. When does teething occur? When your baby reaches ...

  • Always wanted a brighter smile? – Tooth...

    “Natural" Tooth Whitening In recent months, various social media sites and celebrities have begun trends on ‘natural’ methods of tooth whitening which include the use of coconut oil and activated...

  • Emergency after hour appointments

    Emergencies can happen during the most inconvenient times.  Emergency situations may include - fractured or knock out (avulsed) front teeth - toothache or swollen face - broken dentures Rest assured...

  • Why are my child's teeth mottled?

    What is molar incisor hypomineralisation? (MIH) MIH is a condition generally affecting the first adult molar teeth and occasionally the incisor teeth. It is a developmental condition also known as ‘...

  • Why do I have a dry mouth?

    Xerostomia, also known as dry mouth, is characterised by a decrease in saliva flow. It is a common condition that many individuals suffer, especially during stressful situations or when feeling...

  • Opening Hours - Christmas Holidays

    The team at Concord Dental Practice want to wish our patients a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We have had a wonderful year, looking after you all. Our last day this year will be this...

  • Is flossing your teeth a waste of time -...

    Another interesting article we came across in the last few weeks: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3273953/Flossing-teeth-waste-t... Concord Dental Practice does not agree with the advice...

  • Beat the End of Year Rush!

    Christmas and the end of year is fast approaching. Claim your rebate, before it's too late! Most health funds renew with the calendar year, which means, if you have anything left over to claim, you'...

  • Therapeutic Botox ® at Concord Dental...

    Night time clenching and grinding is a condition which can often be missed or not diagnosed. Obvious tell-tale signs include waking up in the morning with a headache, sore jaws or muscles.  As dental...

